Welcome to WWDC by Sundell
I love WWDC. Part Apple event, part conference, but most importantly an enormous celebration of the developer community surrounding Apple’s platforms. I had the pleasure of attending the conference back in 2014 (the year of Swift!), and came back excited and fully inspired (and also quite tired).
However, not everyone is able to actually attend WWDC in person. Not only do you have to win the “lottery” in order to qualify for purchasing a ticket, you also need to have the monetary means to be able to fly to, stay at, and attend the conference. So for a huge amount of people, WWDC can feel a bit out of reach.
I wanted to do something about that. This website is for everyone who wants to closely follow WWDC, but from anywhere in the world. Starting right now, this site will be updated daily with articles, videos, podcasts, and interviews, covering all things WWDC — from recommendations on what session videos to watch, to in-depth looks at new APIs, to interviews with people from all over the Apple developer community.
Think of it as both an extension to all the excellent material that Apple provides, as a way to quickly stay up-to-date on the latest announcements, and a place to see real-life examples of some of the new tools and technologies announced during the conference.
Just like Swift by Sundell, this site has no paywalls and is free, open and accessible to everyone. There’s no privacy-invading tracking, no filthy ad SDKs — there’s not even any JavaScript! All thanks to four wonderful companies that are generously helping me make this site possible — Bitrise, RemObjects Software, Instabug, and Duolingo.
So fire up your RSS reader and subscribe to this site’s feed, follow @swiftbysundell on Twitter for the latest updates, and feel free to check back every day from now until the 7th of June to find new content waiting for you.
Welcome to WWDC by Sundell — I hope you’re going to enjoy it! 😀