That’s a wrap!
That wraps up our coverage of WWDC21. Thanks a lot to all of you who have been following the site throughout the week of the conference. Of course, all of the content published this week will stay online, right here, so that you can access it whenever you’d like.
This is just the beginning. Over the next weeks, months, probably even years, I’ll continue to cover the APIs and features that were announced this week over on Swift by Sundell. In fact, that process has already started, as I just published a brand new podcast episode — which is a conversation with Doug Gregor from the Swift team about all of the new concurrency features that are being introduced in Swift 5.5. I’m incredibly happy with how that episode turned out, it was a true pleasure to have Doug as a guest on the podcast, and I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Also thanks a lot to this year’s three sponsors, which are all products that I’d wholeheartedly recommend regardless — Raycast, Bitrise and RevenueCat. Using either of those links to check out those sponsors really helps support my work, so if you’ve enjoyed WWDC by Sundell & Friends this year, then please consider checking out a sponsor so that the site can return again next year.
Finally, last but definitely not least, thanks so much to this year’s guest article contributors — Gui Rambo, Anastasiia Voitova, Sean Allen, and Vincent Pradeilles. Make sure to follow them on Twitter, as they’re all very active members of the Apple developer community.
Hope you’ve all had a really great WWDC week, and feel free to reach out via either Twitter or email if you have any comments, questions, or feedback about this year’s edition of WWDC by Sundell & Friends.
Thanks everyone!

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